пятница, 25 февраля 2011 г.

Is This Britney Spears On The Demo For“Black Widow”? | Music News, Reviews, and Gossip on Idolator.com

britney_spears-blackB-159239Enough of these10-second snippets- we want to hear another full-length Britney Spears song fromFemme Fatale! Well, we (sort of) get our wish with“Black Widow”, allegedly a demo of Britney’s off her upcoming album, though many are saying it’s actually electro-pop singer Myah Marie’s vocals. Listen below and tell us if this is Brit or not.

“Black Widow”

We could see ourselves Dance Dance Revolutioning to this song.

No dubstep, no Euro influences, no dark subject matter– this song is pure, pretty, happy-go-lucky, rainbow-shining, fist-pumping, bubblegum pop. It’s the Britney we love best. Though we must admit, the vibe of the song doesn’t much match“Hold It Against Me”, so we wouldn’t be surprised if this a) wasn’t actually her song, or b) didn’t make the cut ofFemme Fatale.

What do you guys think? Brit or no?


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