четверг, 31 марта 2011 г.

New Kids& Backstreet Boys Beg“Don’t Turn Out The Lights”On Joint Single | Music News, Reviews, and Gossip on Idolator.com

NKOTBSB New Kids On The Block Backstreet BoysWe previously mentioned that New Kids On The Block and Backstreet Boys have amashed-up greatest hits type thing on the way, to coincide with theirco-headlining summer tour. And on this testosterone-packed collection of past-glory jams will be the brand new joint NKOTBSB single“Don’t Turn Out The Lights.” Give it a listen below!

We’re loving the fact thatNew York’sVultureblog is just as perplexed as we are over exactly who of the nine man band gents represented here is singing what. (”Who gets to sing lead on the chorus? What is the unspoken hierarchy?” the site ponders.) Because, honestly, who can tell?

Well, actually, we’re pretty sure we can hear Backstreet blond Nick Carter and New Kids’ resident lead vocalist Jordan Knight rather prominently throughout NKOTBSB’s upbeat“Poker Face”-esque dance-pop offering. And, trust—by comparing to“Poker Face,” we’re not aiming to demean“Don’t Turn Out The Lights” in any way. After all, we’ve already played the damn thing four times in a row!

File this one under Guilty Pleasure Of The Week. {*Whispers*: And bring on the tour!}

NKOTBSB - Don't Turn Out The Lights

What do you think of supergroup NKOTBSB’s“Don’t Turn Out The Lights”?


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