пятница, 29 апреля 2011 г.

50 Cent And David Guetta Party About B.S. On New Dance Track | Music News, Reviews, and Gossip on Idolator.com

50-centDavid Guetta has pretty much collaborated with everyone at this point, there’s no reason to leave 50 Cent out of the party. Their new dance track,“Bullshit& Party”, is rumored to be from Guetta’s next album, and it may be the most uptempo song Fiddy’s ever recorded. Wave your glowsticks to the frenetic rave-friendly jam after the jump.

50 Cent& David Guetta - Bullshit& Party

“All we do is bullshit and party around the globe on world tour,” raps 50 on the explicative-laced (but pumped up) track. Does starring ingenre moviescount as bullshitting or partying?

50 Cent collaborating with David Guetta on a dance/trance track might be eye-raising, but it’s nowhere near as“Huh?” worthy than the news that Fiddy is launching his own comedy website,This Is 50 Comedy. We’re not sure what to expect, but we’d love to find out that his Twitter feed is just a huge joke.



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