понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

Listen To Previously Unreleased Ke$ha Demo“31 Seconds Alone”| Music News, Reviews, and Gossip on Idolator.com

ProvacateurSince Ke$ha apparently wants toreturn to the glory days of the 1970sfor herAnimalandCannibalfollow-up, we’re assuming that this non-rock-and-roll-sounding demo,“31 Seconds Alone”, is very old instead of very new. Regardless of its time stamp, it’s a fairly sleepy track with none of the flamboyance or thrills we’re used to in K-dollar-sign-ha’s current wild girl shtick. Basically, there’s no mention of glitter, although she does promise to commit a few crimes in the name of love. Listen below.

Ke$ha - 31 Seconds Alone (Demo)

“We could be having the night of our lives / Pull the fire alarm, I would scream there’s a bomb in the building for 31 seconds alone,” an already Auto-Tuned K-Dolla sings on the track.

For a girl who’s already shared her delight indevouring human fleshandmurdering unicorns, this tune fails to impress us much. And why the random time frame of 31 seconds? Why not a full seven minutes in heaven?

What do you think of this discovered tune?


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